Hungary’s largest Arboretum occupies a total of 82 acres. It lies on the shores of River Körös. Earl Pál Bolza began a large scale planting at the end of the 1880s. As a result, many rare species of plants were brought here from around the world. The unique collection of arboreal plants of Arboretum comprises of more than 1600 types of plants. This harmonius garden and its vell-kept lawn provide an exhilarating experience for nature-loving visitors especially at the time of spring blooming.
Bolza Castle
The Bolza family was of Italian origin and settled in Hungary in the 18th century through marriage. Over the years they assimilated and became highly respected by the citizens of Szarvas. As a matter of fact, the Bolza family left behind a rich legacy, the most spectacular of which is the Bolza Castle. The castle, as it is seen today, has taken shape in the wake of Pál Bolza’s ideas. The Earl began to work out the plans of an eye-catching garden on the bank of Körös. As part of the construction, a concrete wall for shore protection and a set of stairs leading to the entrance of the castle were set up. It was Pál Bolza who initiated landscaping in Szarvas. The huge white cypress was also planted then. As we know, it is the „parent” of the spectacular white cypresses along the River Körös. At the bottom of the stairs – as a remainder of the family’s Italian origin – Pál Bolza erected a replica of the wolf statue of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. (It is on view from outside only.)

Millenium Memorial
Millenium Memorial is title of the work of sculptor Gábor Mihály. It was inaugurated in 2000 which marks the millenial anniversary of the foundation of the State. It is uniquely situated at the western gate of Békés County, near Road 44. The copper monument which stands on a robust metal column emerges from the River Körös and reaches up 10 metres.
Catherine II. cruise ship
Catherine II has been welcoming guests for over 30 years. The unspoilt nature and rich flora provide a unique experience for nature-loving tourists. Captain István Demeter mastered the secrets of the profession as a sailor. Later he set up his own family enterprise. The Captain’s particular sense of humour as well as his enthusiastic attittude contribute to a memorable experience. During a one-hour trip, passengers on boars of Catherine II can admire the unique collection of trees and plants along the River while listening to old stories.
Körös-Maros National Park
The Visitors’ Centre of Körösvölgy in Szarvas has been established in the neighborhood of the Centre of Körös-Maros National Park Directorate. The premises are surrounded by the 26-acre Anna-liget which is a unique place since both the Castle and Castle Park represent great historical and cultural values. Walking along the trails in Anna-liget gives an exceptional insight into the characteristics of Körös-Maros rich flora and fauna.
Mini Hungary – Interactive Model Park
The outstandingly realistic and detailed models of several Hungarian architectural wonders van be found in the Mini Hungary model park, located in the largest arboretum of Hungary. In 2015, the model park got extended with remarked buildings of Transylvania, so visitors can roam even to the Castle of Deva through the centuries of architectural traditions and chapters of history. In Hungary’s only interactive model park, the trains can be launched from the legendary stations with a single push of a button, the ships swing in the mini Lake Balaton and the mini Danube River, while the castles and the temples play music and carillon. The trains in Mini Hungary model park are dashing on the longest outdoor model track-rail in Hungary, with stos at illustrious stations like Zomor or Kétegyháza. After Transylvania buildings, the model park is going to be extended with sights of the Highlands (Slovakia) in 2016.
The building site was inherited by the Mitrovszky family. The mansion was built by the order of Vladimir Mitrovszky around 1835. From 1854 it functioned as a town-hall until 1972. In front of the building, the Monument of the First World War, the work of sculptor Károly Székely, was erected in 1927. There are 1154 names engraved on the obelisk. These are the names of war victims of Szarvas, who died in the First World War. (It is on view from outside only.)
Ruzicskay Art Museum
Gyögy Ruzicskay (1896-1993) was the offspring of a peasant family, it was soon noticed that the inherited his mother’s talent in painting. In 1960 he was offered a small house in the local park, known as Erzsébet Liget. This was his home from spring till fall. In 1972 a new wing was added to the house which served as a studio where he compiled his last works and laid down the principles of biopainting. He drew up the most significant events of the Hungarian history outside the wall of his studio. Art Museum offers permanent and seasonal exhibitons for visitors.
Dry Mill
The Dry Mill of Szarvas was built in 1836. The name „dry” had been given since the Mill was driven by the power of horses instead of the power of water. It was a flour mill until the end of the 19th century. After the spread of steam mills, it was turned into a millet-stripping and grinding mill. It ceased operation in 1962. Demonstrations are frequently held for those interested. The Mill, which was reinstated in 2010, welcomes visitors for grinding displays.
Water Theater
Water Theater is an open-air theatre by the River Körös in the town of Szarvas. This unique architectural wonder was set up in the heart of Central Europe, at the gate of Békés County in the year of 2011. It resembles to a gentle blend of a stylized castle and an amphitheater in picturesque surroundings by the Körös. The Theater welcomes tourists and local people alike to its various cultural programs. At weekends dance and music productions can be seen featuring famous Hungarian artists even from across the borders. This unique atmosphere and breath-taking ambience and up to par performances provide an unforgettable cultural experience which visitors may retain as a memory of a lifetime.
Evangelistic Old Church
One of the most typical buildings of Szarvas is the Evangelistic Old Church. Its tower – in clear weather – can be spotted from 10-15 kilometres. It was built in early-classical style between 1786 and 1788. Its construction was initiated and organised by the chaplain Sámuel Tessedik. The construction, which was carried out according to the plans of the architect Lajos Kimnach from Bratislava, was incredibly rapid and cheap. The huge internal dimensions of the church provide space for 4142 seats. In 1997 it was pronounced to be an I. Category monument. On the 5th of June 1988 it was reconsecrated.
Evangelistic New Church
The idea of constructing a younger Lutheran church was brought up by the Hungarian mother tongue minority of the Lutheran Congregation in Szarvas. The Lutheran Church was erected between 1895 and 1896. The bricks used for construction were burnt with rudimentary techniques. The rich decoration of Lutheran churches is always very modest. The Church was last renovated in 1988. A year later it was reconciled.
Tessedik Sámuel Museum
Tessedik’s agricultural school was built in 1791,in baroque style. The wood needed for the construction was delivered by raft on the river Tisza and Körös. However, some of the timbers left from the construction of the Old-Church were also used. In the 1960’s it was almost demolished because of its dilapidated state. It escaped thanks to Dr. József Palov’s effort, who was the founder-director of the museum. It was renewed and now it is a significant historic buildings where visitors can see archaeological and etnographic values of Szarvas and its surroundings.
The centre point of the historical Hungary
The memorial was placed here according to the grammar school teacher József Mihálfi’s calculation at the end of the 19th century- This was nearly at the same place where a working windmill was standing. Its significance has come to life after the Treaty of Trianon. In 1939, as a reminder of the once working windmill, a stylized windwill was erected a bit south-west from its original place on the bank of the Körös. The river bank is now used as a public beach.
The so-called Commemoration Path has been established to mark the 1000th anniversary of the foundation of the state. The 1.1 km long walking path runs from the St. Stephen’s park behind the Old-Church, throught the Székely gate, an up to the bank of River Körös. At the end of the path stands the windwill which marks the centre of the historical Hungary. Along the path, 17 monuments have been set up; each representing a highly important phase of Hungarian history.